In music theory, a scale is any set of musical notes ordered by fundamental frequency or pitch. In general, Minor Scale is described as "Sad Scale", Major Scale is described as "Happy Scale".
Please Select a scale
A chord progression is a succession of musical chords, which are two or more notes, typically sounded simultaneously. There are 2 chord progressions you can choose.
Please Select a Chord Progression
In music theory, the concept of root is the idea that a chord can be represented and named by one of its notes. Following that concept you can assign the root note as your desire.
Please Select a Root Note
The length of time that a note played is called its note duration, which is determined by the type of note. In the list of note durations; whole note is 4, half note is 2, quarter note is 1, eighth note is 0.5.
Average fitness is how fit the melody and chord progression, calculated. As the result gets closer to 1, it gets fitter.
Notes Average Fitness
Best Fitness:
2nd Best Fitness:
Evolution Button takes the fittest and second fittest individual, applies an evolutionary process to make them fitter, than creates a new generation. Play button plays the fittest melody and selected chord progression together.